Publisher Eternal Press

Publisher Eternal Press
Love and the Paranormal

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Interview tomorrow: Rebecca Minto Will host me on her blog tomorrow   May 19th interview with Rachael Brisbane June 8th Morgan Bailey  New link
Interview tomorrow: Rebecca Minto Will host me on her blog tomorrow   May 19th interview with Rachael Brisbane June 8th Morgan Bailey

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Come to
Come to
Please join me at Alice Wades blog today at:

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Innocent Hearts: I have an interview of me going on with Billy Burg...

Innocent Hearts: I have an interview of me going on with Billy Burg...: I have an interview of me going on with Billy Burgess going on right now at: >
I have an interview of me going on with Billy Burgess going on right now at:


also tomorrow got an interview with Alice Wade hosting me all day:

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Goddess Fish Party Pavilion: Dina Rae's Halo of the Damned Interview

Goddess Fish Party Pavilion: Dina Rae's Halo of the Damned Interview: Joanna Easterhouse and Andel Talistokov interviewed by Goddess Fish Joanna Easterhouse Godess Fish: Hello. Thank you for coming to ...You are welcome I am glad to be here.

Goddess Fish Party Pavilion: Dina Rae's Halo of the Damned Interview

Goddess Fish Party Pavilion: Dina Rae's Halo of the Damned Interview: Joanna Easterhouse and Andel Talistokov interviewed by Goddess Fish Joanna Easterhouse Godess Fish: Hello. Thank you for coming to ...
I am excited about Dina Rae's Halo of the Damned.
I think it is a great read and only want to wish Dina Rae the best of luck.