I sit and think of all of our forefathers who lived by God's word and commandments, and fled to the unknown of this shore in order to try and live by that Word, and serve Him. And of all the men who sat in that room in Pennsylvania, and developed a charter to establish our way of life and freedoms to encompass that doctrine in ways that would change through time, but would still hold true to those declarations. I know this isn't the 4th of July, but everyone has to understand WHY we have Memorial Day celebrations, and just how intertwined these two aspects truly are so connected. It is those truths, God given rights, are the reasons my grandfather was at Pearl Harbor on December 7th, and my father was in Vietnam, and everyone else in this country's relatives and forefathers fought in well known wars, and some clandestine operations that the public shall never know, and paid the ultimate price in order to ensure our beliefs, and freedoms shall never fade away. Few of us have taken the oath to protect those views, values, and truths, against enemies both foreign and domestic. And it is an oath both my fellow Marines, servicemen and woman, both hold to, to this day. At any given day, and at any given moment will gladly make that sacrifice, in order to ensure our way of life. I salute my fellow U.S.Marine Corps brothers I served with, and to all of the other branches of military that go into harms way to do great violence on our behalf to protect those who wish for peace and happiness in our families and with our friends. So, let us take a moment when you watch your children play in the water while you barbecue outside, our while you ride on the boat at the lake or river, or when you look up at the starry ski at night, think about that soldier, Marine, seaman, or airmen, that sat in a foxhole, or was behind enemy lines trying to find his way home, not knowing if he was going to live or die, just take a moment and reveal in your moment of safe fortitude, because many before us have not been so lucky. As what has been said, Freedom isn't FREE, and the price has been paid for in blood and sacrifice, for us to know, live, and prosper to come, know that someone made the Ultimate sacrifice of not knowing their sons, daughters, grandchildren, or spouse, so that you may lay your head down at night in peace....
Written by my son Curtis Gibbs
For this Veterans Day
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